English translation is at the bottom of the page. Try your best to understand the passage first before scrolling to the end.
저는 지난 달에 새 회사에 입사했어요. 신입사원이에요. 내일 밤은 제 첫 회식이에요. 한국의 회식은 특별하다고 들었어요. 저는 매우 긴장돼요.
회사 사람들은 친절해요. 하지만 회식은 처음이라서 무엇을 해야 할지 모르겠어요. 선배들이 많이 도와준다고 들었어요. 맛있는 음식도 먹을 거예요.
저는 회식에서 잘하고 싶어요. 재미있을 거라고 생각해요. 제 동료들과 친해질 수 있을 거예요. 내일이 기대돼요.
Grammar and Vocabulary Explanation:
Korean Word | English Translation | Korean Word | English Translation |
내일 | tomorrow | 친절하다 | kind |
제 첫 회식 | my first company dinner | 선배 | senior colleague |
신입사원 | new employee | 도와주다 | to help |
입사하다 | to join a company | 음식 | food |
한국의 회식 | Korean company dinner | 재미있다 | fun |
특별하다 | special | 친해지다 | to become close |
긴장되다 | to be nervous | 기대되다 | to look forward to |
English Translation:
My first company dinner
I started a new job last month and tomorrow night is my first company dinner. I've heard that company dinners in Korea are unique, and I'm quite nervous about it.
Everyone at the company has been welcoming, but I'm unsure about what to expect. I've been told that the senior colleagues are very supportive and there will be plenty of delicious food.
I'm eager to make a good impression and enjoy the evening. It's a great opportunity to bond with my colleagues, and I'm really looking forward to it.
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