English translation is at the bottom of the page. Try your best to understand the passage first before scrolling to the end.
윤아는 아침 8시에 일어납니다.
아침에는 밥보다 빵을 즐겨 먹습니다.
회사에는 10시까지 출근하고 오후 5시에 퇴근합니다.
퇴근한 후에는 발레를 배우러 갑니다.
발레 수업이 없는 날에는 친구들과 맛집에 가는 걸 좋아합니다.
Grammar and Vocabulary Explanation:
Korean Word | English Translation | Korean Word | English Translation |
아침 | morning | 퇴근하다 | to leave work |
일어나다 | to get up | 발레 | ballet |
N보다 | than N(comparison) | 맛집 | good (delicious) restaurant |
즐겨 먹다 | to enjoy eating | 배우다 | to learn |
출근하다 | to go to work |
English Translation:
Yoona's Daily Routine
Yoona wakes up at 8 a.m. In the morning, she prefers eating bread over rice. She goes to work by 10 a.m. and finishes her day at 5 p.m. After work, she goes to ballet lessons. On days without ballet classes, she enjoys going to good restaurants with her friends.
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